
Color graphics

Varvara Bubnova  ›››  Color graphics
Knowing and foreseeing the powers of each color, imagining in advance their relations, because painting is similar to the visible world which is the play of colors and the fight between light and darkness

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Color graphics

paper, pastel; 1965 year

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Profile, Color graphics, views: 3183
Color graphics

Young girl
paper, aquarel, sumi; 1963 year

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Young girl, Color graphics, views: 2982
Color graphics

A woman
paper, aquarel, sumi; 1964 year

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A woman, Color graphics, views: 2888
Color graphics

My guest
paper, aquarel, sumi; 1964 year

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My guest, Color graphics, views: 2742
Color graphics

A girl
paper, pastel; 1968 year

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A girl, Color graphics, views: 2677
Color graphics

paper, pastel; 1969 year

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Convesation, Color graphics, views: 2622
Color graphics

A woman
paper, aquarel, sumi; 1967 year

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A woman, Color graphics, views: 2594
Color graphics

A painter
paper, aquarel, sumi; 1964 year

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A painter, Color graphics, views: 2578
Color graphics

A sculptor
paper, pastel; 1966 year

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A sculptor, Color graphics, views: 2509
Color graphics

paper, aquarel, sumi; 1960 year

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Agedwoman, Color graphics, views: 2452
Color graphics

Painter Gavrilova
paper, aquarel, sumi; 1963 year

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Painter Gavrilova, Color graphics, views: 2328
Color graphics

A woman
paper, aquarel, sumi; 1960 year

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A woman, Color graphics, views: 2226
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Varvara Bubnova (1886-1983)

Varvara Bubnova (1886-1983) was born and died in St. Petersburg. She came from a noble Russian family which was related to the famous poet Alexander Pushkin. In Bubnova’s old family estate, Bernovo, in the region of Tver there is now a Pushkin museum. In 1903-1905 Bubnova studied in the studio of..... ›››››
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Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Bargain-hunters in a grocery store northeast of Paris squint as they scan figures stamped on shrink-wrapped chunks of Gruyere and bags of green olives. They're not zeroing in on the price, certain to be low in a place that specializes in surplus goods offloaded from big-name supermarket chains. They.... ›››››
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