My permanent residence is in Kiev. I am a translator by trade. I have a son, also by name of Ivan. I used to have a white cat, who is no more. I don’t swim in the winter any more, but I still like the traditional Russian steam bath and to work out on an exercycle. Having once been poisoned by a Cuban cigar taught me not to smoke cigars, and I have become indifferent to wines. The Jethro Tull music, my old fancy, is long in the past and I read my once-favorite novel “Master and Margheritha” at least 20 times, which is enough. I likes Soviet movies but that belongs to the old era. Now I don’t watch anything, certainly not TV. I may once in a while visit a movie theater with my wife, just a pro forma cultural event. My favorite all-time piece of literatutre is “Doctor Zhyvago” by Boris Pasternak and my current affection is Sergei Lukianenko’s science fiction. In early 90s I used to compose songs, fancied myself a minstrel. This period is reflected on my website as a set of song lyrics. As a translator I contributed to the creation of the Constitution of Ukraine, I translated materials for the Task Force that drafted the language of the Constitution. In the recent years I participated in the Ukraine’s WTO accession process. I changed homes often, but in 2005 I seem to have ultimately settled down – we live in the Obolon district of Kiev. I can see the Dnipro out of my windows.