14.10.2008 23:24:08
Полотно испанского художника Франсиско Гойи "Грустные предчувствия" обнаружено в Колумбии.
Полотно было похищено около месяца назад из галереи в столице Колумбии Боготы. Организаторы выставки сообщили, что после обнаружения картина вернётся на выставку, на которой выставлены десятки других полотен этого испанского живописца, сообщает Интерфакс. Вклад Гойи в формирование искусства 19-20 вв. огромен. Он был первым мастером, который обратился в своём творчестве к актуальным событиям. Офорты Гойи, обличающие обычаи и зло его времени, оказали влияние на французского художника Оноре Домье. Сияющие яркие цвета в живописи и драматические эффекты светотени в графике повлияли на развитие импрессионизма во Франции, в особенности на Клода Моне и Огюста Ренуара
16.05.2009 22:12:08
Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine
Bargain-hunters in a grocery store northeast of Paris squint as they scan figures stamped on shrink-wrapped chunks of Gruyere and bags of green olives. They're not zeroing in on the price, certain to be low in a place that specializes in surplus goods offloaded from big-name supermarket chains. They want the "use by" date.
Just one day remains before the cheese is past its prime. The olives hav.....
24.10.2008 11:41:38
Vladimir Andreenkov - «GEOMETRY OF LIFE»
“Vladimir Andreenkov, adhering to visible mathematics and clear-cut forms in their perfection, is not locking the space of life but is wonderfully transforming it beyond blurred human consciousness. He succeeds to make an exact from an approximate and he makes you, if not to think, at least to get mobilized internally. As a rule, a person focuses simply looking at a direct line. Line - step. Step .....
24.05.2007 23:07:53
Sotheby's Opens Moscow Office and Appoints Director
In a ceremony today William F. Ruprecht, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sotheby's, announced that Sotheby's has opened an office in Moscow and appointed Mikhail Kamensky as Managing Director. Mr Kamensky, a former Director and Presidential Advisor to the Bank of Moscow, will direct the company's efforts in Russia, whose collectors are increasingly becoming one of the world's most importa.....
05.04.2007 21:25:28
Gallery Shazina presents from 19 April to 19 May 2007 personal exhibition dedicated to 105 years of Ivan Titov
Ivan Titov’s artistic realism is like a good documentary film; good meaning genuine, unvarnished. Life as it is.
Painting, which reflects the melting time, but doesn’t permit to forget. Painting, which gives a wonderful possibility to unwind the time back, and look more attentively into the eyes of Abkhazian boy in a red hood. The eyes with such a dignity, so wise, that you want to ask “Do you .....
04.03.2007 22:49:57
Chloe Piene Opens at Witte de With
Witte de With proudly presents the first solo exhibition in the Netherlands of Chloe Piene (born 1972 in Stamford, USA). The exhibition features a selection of Piene's recent drawings and videos, and will be accompanied by a publication featuring texts that explore distinctive aspects of her work, such as the role of sound, the performative nature of drawing, and the interplay of fear and fantasy......
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