
System MAKS

Alexey Kabanov  ›››  Space
System MAKS

Reusable Aerospace system (ÌÀÊÑ) has been developed NPO «Molniya» (the general designer by G. E. Lozino-Lozinsky) with corporation of coauthors
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System MAKS; Reusable Aerospace system (ÌÀÊÑ) has been developed NPO «Molniya» (the general designer by G. E. Lozino-Lozinsky) with corporation of coauthors
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Filter system
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Filter system
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Energy-Buran system provides not only delivery to an orbit of heavy cargoes, but also their returning to the Earth

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Fantasy Painting and Graphics Gallery

Constantine Kansky was born in 1968. He graduated from Krasnodar Art College. Since 1992 he takes part in the art exhibitions in Krasnodar, Moscow, and Saint-Petersburg. Kansky's works are in the private collections in Russia and abroad - Germany, Israel, Turkey, Italy, Canada, the USA. To enter .... ›››››
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Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Bargain-hunters in a grocery store northeast of Paris squint as they scan figures stamped on shrink-wrapped chunks of Gruyere and bags of green olives. They're not zeroing in on the price, certain to be low in a place that specializes in surplus goods offloaded from big-name supermarket chains. They.... ›››››
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