

Galleries of pictures of artists. Painting, still-lifes, portraits, landscapes. Buy paintings, exhibitions of painters

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Larissa Shigorina
The artist-portraitist
Larissa Shigorina, Painting

Irina Ladutko
Was born March, 4, 1972 in city Ostrov. In 1987 has with distinction finished art school. In 1988 has moved on a constant residence to city of Kemerovo. Has ended art school. Now professionally is engaged in painting.
Irina Ladutko, Painting

Lucian Tidorescu
I was born on May 27, 1969. I started draw and painting for pleasure in 2003. I studied art on my own. It seemed simpler thatway.
Lucian Tidorescu, Painting

Victor Derjugin
The portrait will be executed to order by artist-portraitist Victor Derjugin. On a site are presented: a female portrait, man's, children's, smart and family portraits
Victor Derjugin, Painting

Shavkat Abdusalamov
I had felt Shavkat before I came under the vaults of gallery, and just after that I started to see… Gazing at his weird world, strange because illuminated
Shavkat Abdusalamov, Painting

Romanov Roman
Landscape painting of the artist Romanov Roman. Order a portrait
Romanov Roman, Painting

Adgur Dzidzaria
Adgur Dzidzaria got the education on the specialty of the study of fine arts. Just due to the fact that in the academic college the future artist studied the history and the theory of art, no skills of the any certain school were imposed to him.
Adgur Dzidzaria, Painting

Valentin Pashkov
Valentin Pashkov is a distinguished Russian artist, a contemporary taught by Radimova Tatiana, daughter of Radimov Pavel Alexandrovich, the last chairman of Peredvizhniki Society.
Valentin Pashkov, Painting

Djordje Prudnikoff
It was the hand of God that joined a Serbian woman and a Russian man, who had come to Serbia as boy, with his parents, after the October Revolution in Russia. So, on April 19th 1939. in Uzice, they got their son Djordje - Djordje Prudnikov
Djordje Prudnikoff, Painting

Constantine Kansky
Romantic extravaganza by eyes of modern fabler in Fantasy Painting Galleries
Constantine Kansky, Painting
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Fantasy Painting and Graphics Gallery

Constantine Kansky was born in 1968. He graduated from Krasnodar Art College. Since 1992 he takes part in the art exhibitions in Krasnodar, Moscow, and Saint-Petersburg. Kansky's works are in the private collections in Russia and abroad - Germany, Israel, Turkey, Italy, Canada, the USA. To enter .... ›››››
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Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Bargain-hunters in a grocery store northeast of Paris squint as they scan figures stamped on shrink-wrapped chunks of Gruyere and bags of green olives. They're not zeroing in on the price, certain to be low in a place that specializes in surplus goods offloaded from big-name supermarket chains. They.... ›››››
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