
Carl Orff

Lucian Tidorescu  ›››  Vision of Art and Music
Carl Orff

acryl painting 35.4x35.4 in
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Carl Orff; acryl painting 35.4x35.4 in
to gallery Vision of Art and Music
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Carl XVI Gustav
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Carl XVI Gustav
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Carl Orff (1895 - 1982)

The German composer Carl Orff is widely known for his work in music education, particularly in exploration of the connections between music and movement. In his compositions Carl Orff found a similar connection between the dramatic and the musical, couched in his very personal style of writing, wit..... ›››››
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Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Crisis eating in France, the land of haute cuisine

Bargain-hunters in a grocery store northeast of Paris squint as they scan figures stamped on shrink-wrapped chunks of Gruyere and bags of green olives. They're not zeroing in on the price, certain to be low in a place that specializes in surplus goods offloaded from big-name supermarket chains. They.... ›››››
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