
Angel of Presentiment

Pamela Ñhauve  ›››  Paint Pamela Walt Chauve
Angel of Presentiment

canvas, oil; 180 x 150 cm
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Angel of Presentiment; canvas, oil; 180 x 150 cm
to gallery Paint Pamela Walt Chauve
Los Angeles, Travel
Los Angeles
Travel, United, States, Corel, Los, Angeles

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Decorations of Lady’s World

Pamela Walt-Shauve shares out her feelings with unimaginable grace. She transforms them into bright strokes by means of tender brush… You just have to look at pictures, without fear to fright off other’s sentiments and not worrying about your owns. Incarnation of pure feminine art, almost whim- I..... ›››››
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Bargain-hunters in a grocery store northeast of Paris squint as they scan figures stamped on shrink-wrapped chunks of Gruyere and bags of green olives. They're not zeroing in on the price, certain to be low in a place that specializes in surplus goods offloaded from big-name supermarket chains. They.... ›››››
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